PO Box 324 Truro, MA 02666
Spring 2004 Vol. 8 No.1
TPRTA 2003-2004 Board of Directors
Alan Frankel, President
Anthony Garrett, Past President
Frank Korahais, Secretary
Regan McCarthy, Treasurer
Mark Poster, Nominations
Gwyn Korahais, Communications Tom Bow Mary Frankel
Cathy Haynes Wendy Levine
Neil Moynihan Larry Parcell
Larry Pisapio Kenneth Reich
David Schwartz Richard Smith
Dear Neighbors,
With the summer season soon to arrive, I am pleased to tell you that there are no immediate emergencies facing non-resident taxpayers in Truro. While the Town continues to have its inordinate share of “who struck John” incidents and significant changes are in the offing on the Board of Selectmen, the major issues brought to your attention in our Fall newsletter and in subsequent e-mail alerts are either resolved or in hiatus.
After significant controversy, the new joint Community Center and Council on Aging project appears to be moving forward. Final plan review and bid openings are scheduled to occur in August to permit contract awards to take place the week of September 13. In the event that costs exceed those approved at Town Meeting, a Special Town Meeting would have to be called to seek approval for the additional expenses.
The Cape End Manor will not to be coming to Truro. A final site in Provincetown has been designated and conditional approval obtained from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The final step is the negotiation for the acquisition of additional land currently owned by the Fall River Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church to be used for a parking lot. A private management company to operate the facility needs to be identified and contracts negotiated.
TPRTA spoke up early on this issue when there was discussion of a possible move of the Manor to Truro. It was our belief that the facility most appropriately belonged in Provincetown and that a move to Truro could raise similar significant issues as posed by the defeated Stop & Shop plan.
Over the winter we alerted you to a proposed Massachusetts Senate bill (S1803) that would provide for the taxation of rentals of second homes. As we told you, this bill would only apply to second homeowners and not to the rental of primary residences. TPRTA wrote two letters of opposition to the bill’s sponsor, Senator O’Leary, pointing out its probable unconstitutionality along with its unfairness. We had dialogue with the other Outer Cape non-resident taxpayer associations to encourage their opposition. I am pleased to report the bill was referred back to committee, and unless it is reintroduced in a later session of the Legislature will no longer be an issue.
Your association needs new help at the Board level in order to maintain its viability and enthusiasm. After serving since the inception of TPRTA eight years ago, a number of our original Board members have decided to move on. We sincerely appreciate their efforts in building this organization. We encourage each of you to attend the Annual Membership Meeting on July 3 and to consider increasing your active participation. If you would like additional information on joining the Board, please e-mail Mark Poster at mfpmd@comcast.met.
Kind regards,
Alan Frankel, President
The Town is busy with the opening of Town Hall and the planning for construction of two other public facilities, the Community Center and the North Truro Post Office.
The New Town Hall project which included rehabilitation of the existing structure and construction of a one-story addition is now completed. Completion was marked with an official ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 10. The Town Hall Offices and Building and Health Dept. offices, now installed in the library basement, will be packed, moved and set up in the new facility from May 24 through June 15. Town Offices will be open for business on June 16 in the new Town Hall
Truro is one of approximately 60 U.S. towns that have received funding for the coming fiscal year for the construction of a Post Office. The town was eligible due to the inadequate size of the existing facility and lack of available post office boxes in the North Truro Post Office.The post office is currently discussing preliminary plans and feasible locations with the Board of Selectmen in public sessions. One site being discussed is near the existing North Truro Post Office, possibly at the intersection of Highland Road and Route 6A.
The proposed plan for the Truro Community Center is to go out for construction bids this spring. The Center will be located at Standish Way and Route 6 near the library. It will house community recreational facilities and the Council on Aging. Construction is expected to be completed in 2005.
The Truro Selectmen approved a new set of fees for the Truro Beach Commission, Pamet Harbor, and Highland Links Golf Course. The fee increases that will become effective this year include the cost of a beach sticker for visitors who do not own property in Truro to $150 (increase of $50), and an annual golf membership to $550 (increase of $50). The Selectmen also voted to create a new $450 seasonal pass to Highland Links for senior citizens. The fee increases are intended to offset the costs of these town departments.
Water supply and resources continue to be an environmental issue in the town. Preliminary reports on two potential wells in Truro indicate excellent water quality, suitable for use in Provincetown’s public water supply. Truro’s Water Resources Oversight Committee, chaired by Gary Palmer, is reviewing the plans for these wells.
Early this year, the U.S. Secretary of Interior named Ronald Kaufman as chairman of the Cape Cod Advisory Commission.Brenda Boleyn, former chair of the Commission, was later appointed to one of the two positions representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the Commission by Gov. Romney.
The National Seashore recently purchased over six acres of property and a house located within the National Seashore boundaries on South Pamet Road. This will conserve the property and eliminate the possibility of future development at that site.
The Board of Selectmen voted to support a resolution calling for the amendment of the Patriot Act to decrease the act’s powers. A petition supporting the resolution was presented to the selectmen by the Truro Citizens Committee to Defend Civil Rights.
At Truro’s Town Meeting on April 27, voters approved an $11 million budget, a revised Town Charter, and a new site plan review bylaw.
The new site plan review process presents tighter thresholds for commercial projects in town and residential projects within the National Seashore district and allows projects to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The revised Town Charter was reviewed and edited in committee for the past year to reflect the current and future needs of the town and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of town government.
An article that would make beach fires illegal on a Truro beach without a permit was indefinitely postponed. It was suggested that the beach commission and the fire engineers explore the process of enforcement in more detail.
A transfer of $29,381 from the Land Bank fund to the affordable housing trust fund was approved along with an allotment of $40,000 to fund the Beach Office . The office proposes to renovate and place a pre-existing building at the intersection of Standish Road and Library Lane to serve as its seasonal headquarters.
The drought and water management conservation bylaw was approved only to the extent of voluntary conservation.
On May 11, Truro voters approved an override to the budget in the amount of $126, 738. The override is the first one requested in three years and will result in a 10 cent increase on the tax rate. The money will be used to continue town services and allow money to be kept in the town reserve fund.
Voters also elected Fred Gaechter and Gary Palmer to fill two vacant seats on the Board of Selectmen. The board chose Gaechter as its chairman. In addition to Gaechter and Palmer, Fernando DeSousa, Harold Eastman, and Fred Simonin were running for the two open seats.
TPRTA needs your continued support and membership to maintain and continue the progress and work we have achieved in our eight years of existence. We are a young organization, but we have accomplished much in those eight short years. We now have an organized presence in the town, a voice at Town Meeting, and collaboration with year-round residents on issues which affect all residents in the town.
TPRTA has worked on representing your views and opinions on issues such as the Stop&Shop project, the possible move of the Cape End Manor to Truro, and the proposed Massachusetts Senate bill (S1803) regarding the taxation of rentals of second homes. We will continue to monitor activities and issues in the town, keep you up to date on town actions, and make the town aware of your positions.
We urge you to renew your membership for 2004-2005 or become a member of TPRTA if you have not already done so. Our membership period begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Annual dues are $35.00 per household. It is your support and our size that give us the strength to influence events in our town.
A self-addressed envelope including a membership form inside the flap has been enclosed for your convenience. Please renew your membership or join us today. Enclose your dues check and complete the form with up-to-date information on your home and e-mail addresses.
TPRTA alerts its members to important issues in Truro through e-mail. Keep your e-mail address current. Notify us of any changes at
visit TPRTA Web site
contact us:
The TPRTA Board recently agreed to make charitable contributions to the following local organizations: sponsorship of one student for the Truro Public School annual school trip, Truro Fire & Rescue Squad, Friends of the Truro Council on Aging, Friends of the Truro Community Center, and Truro Library. The funds for these contributions will be presented to the Board of Selectmen on May 26 by Alan Frankel, President.
Alarming Information
The Truro Police and Fire departments are attempting to update all information on properties in town that are outfitted with burglar and/or fire alarms, and on homes that are checked by caretakers while the homeowners are away. Many property owners have not provided the police with updated contact information, which is especially vital for out-of-area property owners in the event of an emergency. To update your information, please contact communication supervisor Heidi Dyer at the Truro Police Dept., (508) 487-8730, or e-mail . There is also a form on the Truro Police Dept. website, which can be downloaded and e-mailed or faxed.(Provincetown Banner, Feb. 26, 2004)
Getting the Season Started
As of May 1, the Transfer Station started its seasonal schedule and will be open seven days a week.
Beach parking stickers for 2004-2005 should be available as of June 19 at 36 Shore Road (the former library building in North Truro on Route 6A).
10:00 A.M.