P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

Month: July 2014


27 2014

Truro Seeks Views on Search for Town Administrator

Truro has begun the search for the new Town Administrator and recently sought taxpayers input into the search process and the qualifications needed for the new TA. A link to this confidential TOWN survey is http://www.truro-ma.gov/home/news/town-administrator-survey-sponsored-by-the-town-administrator-search-committee. Please feel free to...

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27 2014

Discussion of Pilgrim Nuclear Facility

The Wellfleet Non-Resident Taxpayers’ Association and the DownCape DownWinders is hosting a meeting and discussion for the members of the NRTAs of the four Outer Cape towns on the question: Is the Pilgrim Nuclear Facility the Next Fukushima? The meeting...

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23 2014

Discussion of Pilgrim Nuclear Facility

The Wellfleet Non-Resident Taxpayers¹ Association and the DownCape DownWinders is hosting a meeting and discussion for the members of the NRTAs of the four Outer Cape towns  on the question:  Is the Pilgrim Nuclear Facility the Next Fukushima?  The meeting...

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23 2014

Truro Seeks Views on Search for Town Administrator

Truro has begun the search for the new Town Administrator and recently sought taxpayers input into the search process and the qualifications needed for the new TA.  A link to this confidential TOWN survey is http://www.truro-ma.gov/home/news/town-administrator-survey-sponsored-by-the-town-administrator-search-committee.   Please feel free to offer...

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