P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

Dates Changed for Tax Classification Hearing & Special Fall ATM

The Selectboard announced two big changes in the Town’s Fall schedule

-The annual Tax Classification Hearing for FY 2019 has been moved  to Sept. 25, 2018 at 5 PM Town Hall.

-The Special Fall ATM originally scheduled for Sep 26, 2018 has been moved to November  13,2018.  Two articles of importance will be on the Warrant:  the house size cap article and the articles regulating cultivation, manufacture (production) and sale of medical and recreational marijuana in Truro.

As of today’s post, the house size cap article drafting is complete, and the Planning Board has recommended it unanimously to the voters.

The cannabis article drafting is not complete and the complexities require the Planning Board to work with local officials and interested growers/sellers to craft article(s) that will fit in with the Town’s zoning requirements long term. It is expected this will be done within the dates now set.

updated:  27 Sep 2018