P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

COVID Vaccines | Part-Time Resident Taxpayers Eligible

The  Barnstable County Dept of Health has recognized that many part-time residents are effectively long-term residents of the Cape during the pandemic.  For those who have remained in Truro and want to know if they can get COVID vaccinations on Cape the answer is YES.

The Barnstable County website stated this re part-time residents at this link: https://www.barnstablecountyhealth.org/uncategorized-covid-19/what-is-the-current-status-of-covid-19-vaccination-here-on-cape-cod

 See BOTTOM OF THE PAGE for this content below:


Whether you are a full-time or a part-time resident, you are part of our community.  All of the same details regarding vaccine distribution apply to part-time residents.

Please continue to use our webpage as an information resource https://www.barnstablecountyhealth.org/covid-19/covid-19_vaccine_information

At this time we are in Phase 1 in MA.  Please check the Barnstable County website for persons and conditions which this phase covers and for updates on vaccination sites and procedures.

In Truro, part-timers have been an enormous help to the community during the pandemic, contributing substantially to the local economy and in volunteer and civic support through Good Neighbor |Truro and other programs.   We appreciate the Barnstable County position, and hope this will encourage Truro’s part-timers to stay safe and healthy in Truro.