Truro’s Local Comprehensive Plan Committee has asked TPRTA to extend an invitation to participate in a public forum on Thursday, June 15th from 5 – 7 pm at the Truro Community Center to discuss and present feedback on its draft vision statement, goals and objectives.
The Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP) is one of Truro’s most essential and important planning documents. At a time when the future of Truro is entirely up for debate, the LCP becomes a significant tool to benchmark community vision and to guide the growth, direction and accountability in Truro while balancing a wide variety of needs, including economic growth, protection of environmental resources, quality of life and community character.
The plan translates these into an implementation plan that can be carried out over time. The final document will include assessments of existing resources and issues, projections of future conditions and needs, and consideration of collective goals and desires.
Our voices are especially important in the LCP process because we comprise nearly 75% of property owners in Town and because of the significant resources we contribute to the local economy and tax base. More so, because there are some few voices in Truro who think we should have no say in this process. Yowza!
The forum packet includes the draft of key sectionsfor your advance review .
The LCP has questions it would ask participants to keep in mind:
- What did we miss?
- What, if anything, do you disagree with and why?
If you are able to participate in this forum, please RSVP at
Childcare and food will be provided.