The most recent info on the proposed article on house size cap in residential districts outside the Seashore was sent by mail to everyone who voted in Truro in the last two elections. We provide this flyer here for general information.
TPRTA has endorsed house size caps in Truro for many years and has worked consistently with community groups and the Planning Board to bring a successful proposal to a winning vote in Town.
This article has been discussed, informed and shaped over the past year by the Planning Board and the public in open forums and hearings, in surveys, and in many other communications with full and part-timers in Truro, including fun “Lego” displays of comparable house sizes in scale with well know buildings in Truro at the weekly Truro Farmers Market this past summer and at the Truro Library this Fall.
We thank the Planning Board, OneTruro, TPRTA’s Board and members, and the many other residents of Truro who helped to shape this article.
We hope it passes!