P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

Results Are In | Part-Timers Speak Out in TPRTA Survey 2021

Part-timers responded frankly and robustly to a recent survey that asked for their views on taxes, budget, housing, development,  priorities for the Town and for TPRTA, and many more topics.

Results are reported here.

Some key highlights from part-time resident taxpayers, who:

  • Responded in large numbers (513 households, covering 1500+ residents) to this survey, significantly larger than the number of voters who participate in elections for Town officials and the number who voted at recent All Town Meetings..
  • Have increased the time we spend in Truro without proportionately increasing our use of Town services since the pandemic began March 2020, bolstering business, cultural organizations, non-profits and the Town with support as clients, donors, patrons, volunteers, and – as full-time taxpayers.
  • Now are in Truro an average  of 7 months a year if here on a continuous basis and an average of 14 weeks a year if here on a periodic basis.
  • Are aware of and paying attention to the central issues facing Truro and want TPRTA to continue to work with Town officials and the community as a whole on these matters. We see most of our interests as mutual and overlapping and seek ways to cooperate to the benefit of all.
  • See the most pressing priorities and issues of importance as focused on preserving the rural character of Truro, for its own sake and because it is the engine of the local seasonal and tourist economy. Other priorities include protecting water and air quality, and being proactive on climate and other environmental impacts.
  • Urge far more serious action regarding regionalization of big-ticket items like Police, Fire/EMS, School and DPW.
  • View Truro as a poor candidate for high-density cluster development because of its limited rural infrastructure, the predominance of federal land within Town limits, and the unsustainablity of the rate in budget and tax growth in the past decade.
  • See a real need for workforce and market rate “housing that’s affordable” but see little value in subsidized housing that does not predominantly serve current Truro residents.
  • Want a real say in how we are taxed and how the Town operates, irrespective of voting status.
  • Are unwaveringly opposed to the RTE  but support needs-based tax relief that is borne equally by all taxpayers.
  • Call on Town leadership to seriously re-consider the full roster of needs-based residential tax exemptions proposed by TPRTA  and others to ensure those who need property tax relief get property tax relief.
  • Question whether the Select Board gives lip service to serving “one community” by failing to take into account to the majority of Truro’s residential taxpayers’ view on important matters.
  • Call on Town leadership to sincerely encourage and take real action to show part-timers the respect and recognition we deserve;  and to sustain a community that works together for the good of all who call Truro home.
  • Want TPRTA to continue be the collective voice of part-timers and to remain an informative, cooperative and effective voice on the many other issues facing Truro’s entire community, full- and part-timers alike.

There is more in the full report available here.