The Truro Planning Board has taken on an open process of crafting an article to put a generous cap on house size in the Town district. The basic parameters will follow those recently adopted in the Seashore last year.
The PB has issued a survey, informed by the work of OneTruro, a citizens’ group of full and part-time residents working to establish one set of house size regulations for the whole Town. Survey responses are due by 4 PM on January 15, 2018.
You can complete this survey in either of two ways:
- Online by going to:
- On paper: You can print out a copy from this link. Just download, print it out and mail it to the Truro Town Planner | Truro Town Hall | PO Box 2030 | Truro, MA 02666.
Please note that questions 8 and 9 merit explanation. The present plan, if adopted, will apply this cap in the “Residential District.” In addition to excluding the Seashore District, the “residential district” does not include Truro’s four “business districts” and Beach Point along Rt. 6A. To make this truly town wide, the house size cap would also have to apply to residential properties in those five additional districts. If you agree that house size cap should apply to all residential properties throughout the Town, you should answer “Yes” to question 8 and “Yes” to the district(s) to which you think it should apply as listed in Question 9.
Please respond – your views are important! Thanks, as always.