P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

Low Lying Roads | Cape Cod Commission | April 12 – 4 PM

Because the majority of our roadways are unimproved and many parts of Truro are in low-lying areas, Truro is especially vulnerable to environmental onslaughts through rain, wind, and other weather events.

On top of this, as a well-based town, our groundwater –  including drinking water – is susceptible to stormwater and roadway  run-off that compromises the quality of the water we drink and that feeds our local embayments.

The Cape Cod Commission has been looking at the issues of low lying roads, stormwater impacts and more as part of a comprehensive project.   It is also working with Truro as it develops a new Stormwater Bylaw for public consideration soon.

The CCC witll host a public hearing on this important topic on APRIL 12th. Here’s a link for background info on CCC’s Low Lying Roads: TruroLow Lying Roads Project .

Here are the details of the public hearing:

Truro Low-Lying Roads Public Meeting

Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023 at 4:00 PM


Meeting ID: 935 5189 6265

Passcode: join (if prompted)

Phone: (929) 205-6099


Join, participate and contribute your views on this key topic.