P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

Truro Fire/Rescue Dept. Searching for New Fire Chief

Anticipating the retirement of current Fire Chief Brian Davis in September 2015, and in light of significant transitions in the department, the Truro BoS voted Tuesday to hire a firm to help it find a new Chief. Based upon previous critical reports of its structure and operations, the Truro F/RD has shifted from all volunteer to a core professional staff throughout 2014, while relying on volunteers as well. Both BoS Chair Jay Coburn and F/RD BoS Liaison Jan Worthington recommended that the Town explore options for a regional fire and rescue department, a step TPRTA has also supported in the past. “While not a panacea” as Ms. Worthington noted, such an exploration will put the Town “in a much better position.”