P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

Blizzard 2015 Causes Ballston Beach Breach, little other damage in Truro

The blizzard of 2015, just winding down at the time of this post, has left Truro with much snow, high drifts, but little permanent damage EXCEPT to the Ballston Beach area.

The Pamet River barrier dune was again swept away in the high tide surge on Jan 27th. Penetration of ocean water into the beach parking area was more extensive than in 2013 and it will remain unknown for a few days as to how extensive the impact on Pamet Valley may be. We expect that a full analysis to follow, with concern for residents’ septic systems and wells, as it did in 2013. In 2013 no impact on residents’ water was found, and experts engaged recommended that Pamet Valley be allowed to naturalize to equalize water levels in the Pamet River as an effective management strategy. This may be the position taken going forward or other actions may be recommended in the coming months. We will keep you posted.

In North Truro 34% of homes from Shore Road to the P’town line lost electricity yesterday; power was restored by last evening. Otherwise, power outages were spotty and minimal.

Winds remain high, creating drifts and making passage of roads difficult in many places. However, the DPW has been nothing short of heroic in continually clearing roadways to their best ability.

We will keep you apprised if conditions change or new information comes to our attention.