In its first-ever official nod to the part-time resident community and the importance it plays in Truro, the Selectboard selected seven part-time residents over the winter 2018 from about 10 who volunteered to serve on this Committee.The first meeting is scheduled for the Selectboard Meeting Room on the second floor of Town Hall on July 2, 2018. The committee will meet every two weeks thereafter throughout the summer, likely stopping for 2018 in September.
While TPRTA represents the only independent, collective voice of the 2300+ part-time residential properties/owners in Truro, this Committee can serve as a unique forum in which to raise issues to put before the Selectboard and the community in an official capacity.
The Committee members have many things to consider in their first summer – most pressing is selecting leadership and identifying their tasks and activities for the 2018 season. Already the Committee has identified the RTE, adopted last year to overwhelming opposition from part-timers, as an important issue to discuss along with the proposed “cannabis” articles regulating cultivation and sale of medical and recreational marijuana in Truro. The liaison from the Selectboard is Maureen Burgess.
We wish members of the Committee a fine inaugural season, look forward to a wonderful partnership in getting the Selectboard and other Town bodies to officially address concerns of Truro’s part-time resident taxpayers and will help as we can to enure the Committee’s success.