P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

Update | Short Term Rental Tax | effective July 1, 2019

On December 28, 2018, Governor Charlie Baker signed An Act Regulating and Insuring Short-Term Rentals, which, effective July 1, 2019, implements new rules related to short term real estate rentals.  These new policies will impose some of the strictest rules in the nation on such properties. The new law will cover all real estate rentals made for a period of 31 days or less.

This law comes into effect for rental agreements made on or AFTER January 1, 2019 for rentals starting on or after July 1, the State has been issuing clarifications on the definitions and processes that now apply.   For example, the State recently clarified that:

  • A short-term rental is an occupied property where at least one room or unit is rented using advance reservations – this might include an apartment, house, cottage or condominium. 
  • “Rent” includes, insurance, linen fees, cleaning fees and booking fees but no longer includes security deposits.

There are many more such provisions that you will want to know about if this affects your household in Truro.

The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce has issued recent and informative updates on these and other clarifications on the law.  TPRTA has posted this information with permission on the TPRTA website and will continue to do so as and when more arrive. There you will also find links to FAQs and to the State’s technical information releases (TIRs). 

You can also check directly with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue site at https://www.mass.gov/info-details/room-occupancy-frequently-asked-questions#local-tax-faqs-