P.O. Box 324
Truro MA, 02666

TPRTA 2024 Survey Results Are In | High Response, Clear Views

TPRTA Survey of Truro Part-Time Resident Taxpayers July 2024 SUMMARY of RESULTS In June 2024, TPRTA conducted our periodic survey of Truro’s part-time resident taxpayers to get your views on key current issues and to hear from you about your concerns and priorities, especially for TPRTA and the  Select Board....

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Truro is in Our Veins | Part-Timers and the Truro Chamber of Commerce

The Truro Chamber of Commerce issued its 2024 guidebook a few months back. It included an article -  Truro is in Our Veins -  about part-timers and TPRTA that was recently cited in responses to TPRTA's  2024 Survey as a great read.  We agree and post a link to it...

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Truro Wins Again | Town Approves Key Ballot Items, Work Can Proceed

Truro Voted in large numbers yesterday, solidifying earlier votes at STM and ATM on may 4-5, 2024.  In total, 484 persons voted in person and by early voting, reflecting about 25% of the total votes through early voting Here are the results: Winning majorities in BOLD                                                YES       NO  ...

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Select Board Member Challenges Town Meeting Votes on DPW

After the May Town meetings, where six votes rejected the DPW at 340 Route 6 and affirmed Town Hall Hill as the best site for a new DWP facility,  a  Select Board  Member  stated in June that the use of 340 Route 6 for a new DPW was still open...

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Truro is the Winner | Election Results Are In

Truro voters turned out in the largest election numbers in memory  – 950  – to make it a very high voter turnout for May 29 elections.  This included many new voters, both full- and part-timers who are validly registered.  The voters spoke clearly: The winners for Select Board were Nancy...

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05 2024

Public Listening Session for Part-Timers | PTRAC | Aug 19 – 4 PM

The Part-Time Residents' Advisory Committee, (PTRAC) was recently re-established to advise the Select Board on policy and actions affecting part-timers.  It is holding a public "listening session" open to part- and full-timers on August 19th at 4-5:30 PM at the...

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02 2024

Navigating the Future of Offshore Wind Responsibly | CC Chamber of Commerce Opinion

Recent reports on activities related to development of wind energy resources on and near the Cape and Islands have made news this summer.  In its most recent edition, the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce's Executive Director described them this way:...

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30 2024

TPRTA 2024 Survey Results Are In | High Response, Clear Views

TPRTA Survey of Truro Part-Time Resident Taxpayers July 2024 SUMMARY of RESULTS In June 2024, TPRTA conducted our periodic survey of Truro’s part-time resident taxpayers to get your views on key current issues and to hear from you about your...

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17 2024

Truro is in Our Veins | Part-Timers and the Truro Chamber of Commerce

The Truro Chamber of Commerce issued its 2024 guidebook a few months back. It included an article -  Truro is in Our Veins -  about part-timers and TPRTA that was recently cited in responses to TPRTA's  2024 Survey as a...

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30 2024

Truro Wins Again | Town Approves Key Ballot Items, Work Can Proceed

Truro Voted in large numbers yesterday, solidifying earlier votes at STM and ATM on may 4-5, 2024.  In total, 484 persons voted in person and by early voting, reflecting about 25% of the total votes through early voting Here are...

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10 2024

Select Board Member Challenges Town Meeting Votes on DPW

After the May Town meetings, where six votes rejected the DPW at 340 Route 6 and affirmed Town Hall Hill as the best site for a new DWP facility,  a  Select Board  Member  stated in June that the use of...

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30 2024

Truro is the Winner | Election Results Are In

Truro voters turned out in the largest election numbers in memory  – 950  – to make it a very high voter turnout for May 29 elections.  This included many new voters, both full- and part-timers who are validly registered.  The...

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28 2024

Select Board proposes new Muni Housing Trust

Originally proposed for the May 15 Select Board Agenda, this item may be considered tonight by the Select Board.  We hope it is delayed until a new Board is in place and until MUCH additional community discussion happens. At ATM...

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06 2024

Vote for STM/ATM | Voters clear on DPW, Walsh, Sandpit, more

After a contentious season getting to an actual Special Town Meeting (STM) and Annual Town Meeting (ATM), the voters were clear and strong in expressing their views. No go on DPW at 340 Route 6 | Yes at Town Hall...

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18 2024

Update on Latest Voter Challenges | Prior Criteria Set Aside

Voter Challenges -  Finally Over -  and it is good news for part-timers.   Since our last report an aded four voters were challenged, raising the total challenges to 70. As we reported previously, 66 new voters were challenged in...

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20 2024

Community Forum on DPW | Mar 27 5:30-7:30 PM | Community Center

The Town is hosting a public discussion on the new DPW Facility  "with the goal of listening to community feedback and discussing questions"   The meeting will be hybrid -  that is both live and remote.  details below. It is...

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16 2024

Presidential Primary | Voter Registration Deadline | Early Voting Starts | Feb 24

The Town Clerk's office will be open on SATURDAY, Feb 24 to handle these key voter and election activities related to Presidential Primary on March 5th Last Day to Register to Vote and/or Change Political Party-Town Clerk Office Will Be...

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30 2024

TPRTA | Proud Part of Voter Registration Efforts in Truro | Receives Kudos and Thanks

TPRTA is one of several non-profit organizations, community groups, and campaign entities that encouraged eligible residents of Truro to register to vote - and then to actually vote.  Together, between these many efforts, 195 persons registered to vote in Truro...

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15 2024

2023 Voter Challenges of “The 66” | The Real Outcome and Damaging Impact

At the conclusion of challenges by Raphael Richter to 66 new voters in the Fall 2023, we can now see that the impacts are both direct and far reaching.  The number of challenges to newly registered voters since May 10,...

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05 2024

ADU Webinar | Jan 9, 2024

TPRTA was one of the first to call for the creation of ADUs as one way to make housing that's affordable more easily available in Truro.    ADUs -  Accessory Dwelling Units - are a simple way for those inclined...

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30 2023

Truro Seeks “Gov’s Bill” to Hold Town Meetings Outside Truro | Community Opposition Strong

Truro's Select Board voted on Dec 5 to seek special legislation through a “Governor's Bill” to permit Truro to hold Town meetings in other Towns, citing “emergency” needs for this authority.  This was approved just one week after an overwhelming...

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30 2023

Unprecedented Voter Turnout at Special Town Meeting | A Sea Change for Truro

After three delays of the original date for Special Town Meeting (STM)- from October 21 to November 28 -   approximately 700 voters showed up at STM as reported by the Provincetown Independent. "TRURO — About 700 people arrived at Truro...

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10 2023

Voter Challenges Concluded | 86% Who Defended Challenges Deemed Valid Voters

On October 17, Truro town leader Raphael Richter raised formal challenges to 66 of 149 (then) new voters registering between May 10 and Oct. 11, 2023.  Of these, 37 chose to defend their voting status and 32 (or 86%) were...

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18 2023

New Voter Registrations Challenged | List Targeted?

On October 17,  a Truro citizen, Raphael Richter, filed challenges against 66 new voters, challenging their registrations on the basis of a five- item  "sushi menu" of alleged violations of voter registration requirements. Mr. Richter is  a member of the...

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20 2023

DPW Campus | New Design | Bigger, Greener, Safer, Faster & Cheaper

The DPW Study Group, made up of Truro taxpayers and experts on architecture, facilities development, civil engineering, and hydrogeology,  presented a comprehensive design for a new DPW to be located at Town Hall Hill.  This presentation included full specs, renderings and...

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02 2023

Walsh Property Update | New Design Concept, Traffic Report Issued

The Walsh Committee remains hard at work. The plans for the Walsh property are highly contentious, with a majority of Committee Members supporting the development of 250+ rental housing units on 28 acres of developable land. This would create higher density...

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30 2023

Local Comprehensive Plan | Community Forum | June 15 | 5-7 PM

Truro's Local Comprehensive Plan Committee has asked TPRTA to extend an invitation  to participate in a public forum on Thursday, June 15th from 5 - 7 pm at the Truro Community Center to discuss and present feedback on its draft vision statement,  goals and...

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13 2023

Stretch Code | New Provisions for New Construction | Apr 19 – 6:30 PM | Public Forum

Planning new construction?  This is for you -  from the Truro Energy Committee.  A special presentation happens on April 19 at 6:30 PM   at the Truro COA on the new stretch code and the proposed article at ATM on April...

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06 2023

Pre-Town Mtg | Candidates’ Night | Budget + Warrant | April 13 @ 5 – 7 PM | Hybrid

In-Person at the Truro Community Center AND on ZOOM The meeting will cover three  important topics: Candidates for Town offices on elected committees and Boards will present themselves. Finance Committee report and more on the Town budget and related articles....

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04 2023

Low Lying Roads | Cape Cod Commission | April 12 – 4 PM

Because the majority of our roadways are unimproved and many parts of Truro are in low-lying areas, Truro is especially vulnerable to environmental onslaughts through rain, wind, and other weather events. On top of this, as a well-based town, our...

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27 2023

Town Warrant | Draft Articles | + SB Votes on Mill Pond-Mar 28

On March 27, the Select Board published the Draft Town warrant as part of its March 28th meeting packet.  This agenda includes a vote on the Mill Pond Project. The Town has engaged in a full court press to create...

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06 2023

Proposed DPW | Town Presentation – March 8 | TPRTA comments to SB – Feb 28

Truro's proposed new DPW facility is one of two topics on the March 8th public forum agenda for public works projects in consideration.   Mar 8 Forum details are here. TPRTA recently made public comments, below, asking the select board...

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06 2023

Mill Pond Road Debate | Learn. Participate. Be Heard. | Updated 6 Mar 2023

Truro is proposing to close a portion of Mill Pond Road, generating much community debate.  Opposition is strong to this effort  (nearly 900 people to date have signed a petition opposing this action).    Other voices have weighed in about...

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09 2023

Proposed DPW | Town Hall Hill | Independent Review for Consideration

     The proposal for a new  DPW is under review and a public presentation by the DPW Director on this topic is now scheduled for March 8th at the Truro Community Center (Live/Remote/Streamed).  This topic is estimated to start...

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23 2023

Mill Pond Road | Petition to Save

The Mill Pond Project has generated a lot of debate -  and the effort to save this 200-year old road in the heart of Truro is gaining momentum.  We have been asked to provide the link to this petition as...

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08 2023

Truro Food Pantry Needs Our Help

Truro Food Pantry needs volunteers to help stock supples 2 x /month.   Here is a little bit more info about the request. The Truro Food Panty is looking for a few "sturdy"  volunteers to help on delivery days.   Our...

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14 2022

Planning Board | New “Street Definition” Article for ATM 2023

The Planning Board is considering a new definition of "Street" in part due to TPRTA's calls to revise it, beginning in 2014.  To its credit, the PB has tried several times to craft a definition that will render more than...

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14 2022

FY23 Taxes | RTE + New Tax Rates Announced

RTE  (Residential Tax Exemption) Rate The Truro Select Board maintained the FY22 RTE rate for FY23 - at 25%.   The SB was split, with one member wanting it reduced to 20%, two wanting it increased to 30% and the...

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04 2022

Important Town-Wide Forum | Local Comprehensive Plan | Oct 15 | All Invited

The Local Comprehensive Plan Committee (LCPC) has invited all members of the Truro Community to a forum to: Help Chart Truro's Future  | Oct 15, 2022  | 10 AM to 12 Noon | Truro Community Center Join your friends, neighbors,...

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01 2022

TPRTA Honors The Life and Gifts of Susan Howe

Susan Howe, esteemed community leader and great friend to all in Truro,  was tragically killed last night in her home, allegedly by her son.  This loss is devastating to her family and we express our sincerest condolences to the Howes...

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30 2022

COVID 19 NOW | Barnstable County at Medium Risk | Boosters Available Locally

We emerged from a rough Spring to have a semblamce of summer fun and post-COVID recovery. Our local stats on COVID occurrences are sharply reduced.  For that, all in Truro should be congratulated! At the same time, waste water tests...

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20 2022

RTE Unchanged at 25% for FY23

On September 13, the Truro Select Board voted to keep the RTE rate at 25% in its annual  tax classification hearing. Some in the meeting advocated for reducing it, and some for increasing it.  In the end, the SB majority...

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12 2022

TPRTA Calls for Holding the Line, Eliminating RTE in FY23

Part-time residents have strongly opposed the Residential Tax Exemption (RTE) since it was initiated in FY18.  The most recent survey of part-timers placed opposition over 90%. On September 13, the Truro Select Board will hold its annual  tax classification hearing...

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06 2022

COVID-19 | It’s Back in Barnstable County

It never really left.  We did see a hopeful and significant reduction in March 2022. But that is not the case now. Returning snow-birders, part-time residents, seasonal workers, vacationers, and day-trippers are now arriving on the Cape, greeted by a...

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20 2022

Truro Masking Regs Update | Feb 18, 2022

The Town of Truro has recently updated its rules on mask wearing as a protection against the spread of COVID-19.  While its press release of 2/18/22 removes the requirement for masking in business and private meeting spaces, it advises continued social distancing...

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10 2022

Truro Election Date Set for May 10, 2022 | ATM Date TBD

The Town of Truro will hold elections for all elected Town Committees and Boards on May 10, 2022.  Because of changing status of COVID-19, the Select Board has delayed making a final decision on the date for ATM, in part...

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23 2021

Truro Resumes Indoor Mask Requirements | December 21, 2021

The Truro Board of Health issued a press release re-instating mask use in all indoor settings in Truro and issued new advisories to reduce the transmission and positivity rates of Covid-19. You can find the full announcement here. The essential...

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28 2021

Planning Board Opens Discussion on Street Definition | Dec 1

TPRTA was pleased to learn that on December 1, the Planning Board opened a discussion on the definition of "street" contained in Truro's Zoning Bylaws.  The current definition establishes, in part, that roads, ways and streets in Truro be "40...

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28 2021

Select Board Considers Remote Access+Hybrid Meetings | Decision TBD

The way the public can participate in meetings of Town bodies is critical to community-building, exercise of rights, and development of a common vision for Truro going forward. On December 7, the SB began to consider the Town's policy on...

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03 2021

Community Development Partnership | CFO Opportunity

The Community Development Partnership Seeks a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Normally, TPRTA does not post job opportunities, but this is both a request to us from CDP and an unusual opportunity for part-timers with the skills and interest in this...

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23 2021

Peak Time | Interview with TPRTA President, Past President

Jack Peak, host of the local news program Peak Time, interviewed Tony Garrett, TPRTA's new President and Regan McCarthy, formerly TPRTA President, about the recent TPRTA survey results on October 15, 2021.   See the full interview here Peak Time...

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09 2021

Town Survey on Walsh Property, Other Matters | Open to Community til 12/31/21

The Town of Truro recently posted an announcement of a new survey called "Talk to Us, Truro"  that allows all residents to give their views on issues related to land use,  economic and housing issues, and matters related to the local comprehensive...

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03 2021

Outer Cape Restaurant and Eatery Guide | Early Fall 2021

Most Outer Cape restaurants and shops are still open and use COVID-safe practices. So we can continue to enjoy while the season lasts. For the latest in what's open, when at local eateries and provisioners, here is Good Neighbor Truro's...

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02 2021

Results Are In | Part-Timers Speak Out in TPRTA Survey 2021

Part-timers responded frankly and robustly to a recent survey that asked for their views on taxes, budget, housing, development,  priorities for the Town and for TPRTA, and many more topics. Results are reported here. Some key highlights from part-time resident...

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01 2021

TPRTA’s New President

As of October 1, 2021, long-time Truro resident Tony Garrett will assume the position of President of TPRTA.  Tony has been on the TPRTA Board serving in many roles for nearly 20 years.  In addition to serving in leadership, Tony...

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15 2021

CC Commission | OneCape Summit | Aug 23-24 | Virtual

The Cape Cod Commission is holding a free, virtual two-day summit on the state and future of the Cape.  Registration is now open to all interested community members.  For details and to register go to the OneCape link here. OneCape Summit...

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30 2021

Truro | Climate Action Sessions | Summer 2021

Truro's Climate Action Committee is holding three sessions on three Saturdays over the summer to understand your concerns about climate change in Truro. This will be part of the input to develop a Climate Action Plan for the town. All residents of Truro, both...

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26 2021

Neighbors Appeal Cloverleaf Decision

On February 25, an appeal was filed challenging the ZBA decision to grant permits and weavers to the Cloverleaf Project.   The overarching bases were challenges on the basis of public safety and health in both wastewater and parking safety....

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21 2021

Walsh Property | Community Meeting | Feb 24 @ 6PM | Pre-Registration Req’d

Dear Friends, The 70-acre Walsh Property is the largest piece of undeveloped land in Truro. Under the leadership of former Select Board Chair Jan Worthington, a “Walsh Committee” and community dialogue process was created.  This has continued since  and has resulted...

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18 2021

ZBA Approves Cloverleaf Project | Conditions Apply | Wastewater Limits Set

On February 5, the ZBA approved the Cloverleaf project, granting it the permits needed to proceed with development.  The scale of the project remained largely intact  (at 39 units) and included several modifications resulting from vocal concerns expressed by community...

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02 2021

COVID Vaxx Briefing for Residents Aged 65+ | Phone-In | Feb 3@ 5:30P

Having trouble finding a vaccination site or scheduling an appointment?  You are not alone. The Cape Cod COVID-19 Response Task Force will hold a phone briefing for residents of Cape Cod over the age of 65 to discuss COVID-19 vaccine information...

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20 2021

Who’s Serving? | Updated Outer Cape Restaurant List | Winter 2021

Good Neighbor | Truro has prepared an updated restaurant list for those looking to eat in or take out on the Outer Cape this winter.  COVID 19 has deeply affected many restaurants and food purveyors, so check here for current...

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19 2021

Barnstable County COVID Helpline Announced

The Cape Cod Times announced today that: Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment launched a new COVID-19 Help Line on Jan. 19: 774-330-3001. Medical Reserve Corps nurses will be available 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to answer questions...

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18 2021

COVID Vaccines | Part-Time Resident Taxpayers Eligible

The  Barnstable County Dept of Health has recognized that many part-time residents are effectively long-term residents of the Cape during the pandemic.  For those who have remained in Truro and want to know if they can get COVID vaccinations on...

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21 2020

Nitrate Pocket Card from Truro Water Protectors

The Truro Water Protectors has made a Nitrate Pocket Card available that clearly shows the links between nitrate levels in well water and adverse health consequences, including cancers and non-cancer diseases.  The bottom line: The higher the level of nitrates, the greater the risk...

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07 2020

Cloverleaf Developer Announces Upgrades To Sharply Improve Nitrate Controls

In a surprise announcement at the December 3rd ZBA meeting, the Cloverleaf developer announced that newly developed system upgrades to the Small Sewage Wastewater Treatment Plant  (SSWTP) they have proposed for the Cloverleaf could achieve discharge levels in nitrates on...

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02 2020

Safer Standard for Nitrates Recommended to BoH in Call for Urgent Action

On December 1, the Docs for Truro Safe Water made a compelling case to the Board of Health for reducing the maximum contamination level for nitrate  in drinking water and groundwater to 5 mg/L -  half of the current outdated...

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30 2020

Truro & Safe Drinking Water | Important BoH Meeting | Dec 1

Consider attending the next Board of Health meeting about safe drinking water standards  The topic is important to every Truro resident. Board of Health |  Dec 1, 2020 | 4:30 PM  [agenda here] Here's why: Safe drinking water is an...

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23 2020

CNN Report Corroborates DOCS Water Report on Nitrate and Health Risks

Today, CNN reported that nitrates in drinking water has been tagged as an "Endocrine disruptor" and potential cancer-causing agent.  According to CNN, there is an  "explosion" of new evidence cited for the adverse health effects of nitrates and many other ...

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19 2020

Good Neighbor | Truro Continues to Bring Real Help During COVID-19

Good Neighbor  | Truro was created by several of Truro's full and part-time residents in April 2020 to bring the help to those who were most vulnerable in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.    Within weeks of the call...

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14 2020

New Report on Well Water Safety Recommends BoH Action Soon

DOCs for Truro Safe Water, a group of scientists and doctors from Truro and the Outer Cape, have just issued an informative report called Private Wells and Truro Safe Water. This group has come together to address the science behind...

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07 2020

COVID-19 | Phase 3 Updates Issued by MA

As of July 6, MA has entered Phase 3 of re-opening.   This means that on the Cape and Islands visitors are welcome to participate in these activities with some restrictions: Accommodations of all types (including short term rental of homes,...

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24 2020

Weekly UPDATE | New Dates for ATM + Elections | Rental Regs Clarified

Tentative Dates Set for  2020 Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Elections Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, these Truro public events were postponed. New dates are  tentatively set for: ATM on June 23 -  Warrant will include only...

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20 2020

TIMELY UPDATES:  COVID-19 in Truro, Summer Rentals,  Tax Due Date, More

Much is happening in Truro and the region.  This will be a long post, but worth the read.  We are writing now in preparation for the many questions that will arise as warmer weather approaches.  It has taken a while...

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06 2020

Good Neighbor | Truro Brings Community Together in Face of COVID-19

  Many individuals and organizations operated by Truro-ites have joined together to help those in Truro who cannot or should not leave their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Together, we have started an initiative that offers free pickup and delivery...

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06 2020

Good Neighbor | Truro – List of Restaurants and Provisionsers Accepting Curbside Pick-Up

This list contains the most current information we have  on restaurants, food purveyors, and other provisioners that will accept orders for curbside pick-up using  credit cards for pre-payment.  GNT can only pick up from venues that accept credit card payments...

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05 2020

Good Neighbor | Truro – How to Make a Request

For our neighbors in Truro who can not or should not leave their homes, we will respond to requests to provide free pickup and delivery of mail and of prepared, packaged and pre-paid food and other essential items on weekdays...

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05 2020

Good Neighbor | Truro Starts Community-Wide on April 7

Many individuals and organizations operated by Truro-ites have joined together to help those in Truro who cannot leave their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. GN | T is a community “volunteer corps.” Together, we have started an initiative we hoped no one would...

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05 2020

Good Neighbor | Truro – About Volunteering

The process of volunteering and helping out is straightforward as described below. Why Volunteer? Please know that by volunteering for GN|T, you are providing an invaluable service to those in the Truro community who are at greater risk for COVID-19....

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23 2020

Truro Declares COVID-19 Emergency | Important Info and Links

On March 19, after careful consideration and many preliminary steps, the Select Board issued a Declaration of Emergency outlining the decision to continue this until further notice.  Click here for the full text.  These steps are meant to allow the...

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13 2020

Truro Closes Town Offices As Of March 16 | 4 PM | COVID-19 Precaution

At 6:05 PM today, Truro posted the folloiwng announcement, quoted from the Town website at this link.  The announcement reads as follows: In an effort to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus and in the interest of public health and...

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13 2020

Open Meeting Law Partially Suspended Due to COVID-19

At 5:40 on March 12, Gov. Baker issued an Executive Order suspending certain provisions of Open Meeting Law (OML) due to C-19 (Coronavirus). Some trials and access to the full Order can be found at this link.   https://www.mma.org/gov-signs-order-suspending-parts-of-open-meeting-law-to-enable-local-decision-making-during-covid-19-emergency/ The key...

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29 2020

Truro Moves to Electronic Voting

On January 28, 2020, the Truro Select Board unanimously approved use of an electronic tabulator of vote counts beginning with the September 2020 primaries. The aim is to modernize, streamline and increase accuracy of the vote counting process, which up...

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17 2020

UPDATE: ZBA Final Discussion on Cloverleaf moves to Feb 24th

Developing Environmentally Responsible Affordable Housing In Truro NOTE: the next - and possibly last - public discussion of the Cloverleaf Project will be held at theZBA MEETING | Feb 24| 5:30 PM | Town Hall Concerned citizens raise questions and...

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09 2020

Truro’s False Choice – Affordable Housing or Safe Drinking Water

In an Opinion piece published today in the Provincetown Banner, Truro residents Kevin Kuechler and Peter Herridge propose that the Cloverleaf Project as planned poses a false choice for Truro - to have affordable housing or safe drinking water, but...

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14 2019

A Tragic Loss for Truro | Maureen Burgess, Select Board Member, Dies Unexpectedly

The Town of Truro as a whole and so many of the family, friends, and colleagues who knew loved, and respected Maureen Burgess mourn her passing on Nov 12, 2019. Maureen was a rare soul - gifted with intelligence, grace...

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05 2019

Walsh Property | Next Steps | Community Input Requested ASAP

The Draft "Community Process" for development of the 69-acre Walsh Property is now available on the Town of Truro website. The Plan summarizes comments and input received so far and outlines the emerging plan for defining the "Walsh Committee" membership,...

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26 2019

Selectboard Chair Continues Conversation from TPRTA Annual Meeting 2019 | Additional Q&A here

At the TPRTA Annual Meeting in July 2019, Jan Worthington, Chair of the Truro Select Board, joined the meeting to discuss the Walsh Property and to entertain questions from part-time resident taxpayers.  There were many more questions than time permitted her...

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20 2019

Seashore Advisory Commission Re-Authorization Making Process

The CCNS Advisory Commission has struggled to meet over the past years because of ambiguity in its remit and right to meet. According to the Cape Cod Times, a House bill to reinstate the Cape Cod Seashore Advisory Commission for...

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19 2019

Climate Change Action in Truro | Info & Events

The Town of Truro heard applicants for positions on the newly -created Climate Change Action Committee. Six members were appointed, one as an alternate. The Committee will begin to meet immediately. A Forum on Renewable Energy for Truro and Beyond...

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17 2019

Walsh Property | Town Survey Requests Feedback

Here we provide a link to the Town's "Walsh Property" survey on the composition of the committee and the process that will lead to development of the planned uses for that property. Please complete the survey if inclined. We encourage...

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14 2019

Keep Track of Shark Sightings – Sharktivity App

Two beaches in Truro were temporarily closed due to shark sightings recently, aided in part by crowd-sourced info available through the Sharktivity app developed by the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy in collaboration with MA Division of Marine Fisheries and the...

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08 2019

TPRTA 2019 Annual Meeting Notes |Walsh, Energy, Sharks & More

More than 70 people turned out on July 6, 2019 for a lively and interesting meeting which covered plans for the Walsh Property, solarizing our homes for energy efficiency, and sharks, among other topics. Jan Worthington, new Chair of the...

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16 2019

TPRTA Annual Members’ Meeting | July 6 | Hold the Date

TPRTA will hold its Annual Member's Meeting at the Truro Meetinghouse on July 6 at 10 AM. Many important topics are on the agenda and interesting guests will join us, including: Jan Worthington, new Chair of the Select Board, to...

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16 2019

June 27 | Walsh Property Forum | Save the Date

The Selectboard invites the entire community to  ** Walsh Property Community Forum **  * Starting the community process to develop a plan for the use of the property * An initial community conversation on the “wishes and worries” for the property’s...

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12 2019

Herring River Restoration Project | Stakeholders’ Meeting | June 19 | Wellfleet COA

The Herring River Restoration Project is one of the most critically important and misunderstood conservation initiatives in the Outer Cape region. To learn more, express your views, and have an impact on the preservation of the Outer Cape's natural environment,...

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10 2019

Unaffordable | A Presentation on the Cape’s Housing Needs and Solutions | June 19

Truro Connections launches its 2019 season with a presentation by David Quinn and Stefanie Coxe, authors of Housing on Cape Cod. Panelists representing various segments of the Truro community will participate to discuss their report: The High Cost of Doing...

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09 2019

Truro Connections Returns for 2019 Season

Truro Connections, a collaboration of four of Truro's cultural non-profits started in 2018, returns this season with a packed schedule of presentations and discussions for our edification and education. Please join. TPRTA is proud to support Truro Connections

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19 2019

Cloverleaf Forum leaves many questions unanswered

On May 16th, Highland Affordable Housing hosted a forum on the "Cloverleaf Project" which was moderately attended and thoughtfully presented. Previously, the Select Board gave the green light to develop a 41-unit affordable housing project at the 4-acre parcel adjacent...

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10 2019

Tradesmen’s Park South Approved

Tradesmen’s Park South in the Works - On May 8th the Planning Board approved the Site Plan for a second Tradesmen’s Park, adjacent to the Truro Motel along Rte. 6.  The site will contain 12 work bays along with 100+...

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02 2019

All Town Meeting 2019 | Major Votes

ATM 2019 resulted in some exceptional votes this year. Before the meeting several of the articles we had expressed concerns about were withdrawn including the petitioned Right to Farm article, the petitioned ADU article and the related article to exclude the Seashore District from ADU provisions (which...

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04 2019

Update | Short Term Rental Tax | effective July 1, 2019

On December 28, 2018, Governor Charlie Baker signed An Act Regulating and Insuring Short-Term Rentals, which, effective July 1, 2019, implements new rules related to short term real estate rentals.  These new policies will impose some of the strictest rules...

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24 2019

Selectmen Approve 41-Unit Affordable Housing Project at Cloverleaf

On January 23, Selectmen gave the green light to develop a 41- unit affordable housing project at the Cloverleaf area of North Truro off the Highland Road ramp from Route 6. The Select Board (BoS) selected Community Housing Resource Inc.,...

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11 2019

Truro Appoints, Promotes Key Senior Staff

Truro recently announced new appointments  and/or promotions of several  senior administrative staff: Jon Nahas, currently Assistant Principal Assessor, was appointed to Principal Assessor on November 12th. Stephen Parker is the new Town Planner.  He is serving part-time currently and will assume his...

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11 2019

Short Term Rental Tax (“AirBnB Tax”) Passes in MA | Effective July 1, 2019

In the closing days of 2018, the State legislature signed a compromise Short Term Rental Tax ("AirBnB tax") which Gov. Baker had previously vetoed due to his concern over privacy and onerousness on "casual renters."  The legislation requires property owners...

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12 2018

Here When You Can’t Be | Renew Your TPRTA Membership 2019

 TPRTA is here when you can’t be.  We encourage all taxpayers to express their own point of view to the Town directly.  But when you’re not here, we are here - all year long, expressing the collective voice of part-time...

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16 2018

Residential House Size Cap ByLaw | Text As Approved by Voters

Truro made history on November 13 by passing two unprecendented bylaws:  one extends a house size cap in effect since 2017 in the Seashore District  and applied similar standards to residential properties in Residential Districts of Truro. The second  regulates...

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13 2018

Special Town Meeting | House Size, Cannabis, Financial Articles Pass with Large Margins

Voters turned out to tonight Truro's Special Town meeting prepared to move forward into new and unprecedented territory. House Size Limits: More than 75% of the 234 voters present passed a House Size cap article limiting house size in residential...

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11 2018

TPRTA Survey Results | Love the Town, Not So Much the Taxes

In September 2018, TPRTA asked part-time resident taxpayers to complete a survey covering current issues of interest and concern in four main areas: tax issues, new bylaws (focusing on draft cannabis articles), voting, and priority issues facing Truro. You can...

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06 2018

OneTruro Voter Mailer on House Size Cap Article for STM | Nov. 13, 2018

The most recent info on the proposed article on house size cap in residential districts outside the Seashore was sent by mail to everyone who voted in Truro in the last two elections.  We provide this flyer here for general...

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10 2018

Peak Time | Truro and P’town PRTA’s Interviewed on “RTE: Taxation Without Representation?”

Jack Peak, host of a local vimeo-based news show on the Outer Cape, interviewed Regan McCarthy, Past President (and current Board officer)  of TPRTA   and Steve Fossella, President of the Provincetown PRTA on a show he described like this: Hello...

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28 2018

Town Adopts 5C RTE for FY 2019 | Majority of Property Owners Strongly Oppose

The Truro Select Board held  an annual Tax Classification Hearing for FY 2019 as a part of a Regular Meeting  on Sept. 25, 2018 at the Town Hall.   The SB voted 5 to 0 to impose the 5C Residential Tax Exemption...

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27 2018

Fall Special All Town Meeting Set | Nov 13, 2018

On September 25th, the Selectboard voted to hold the Special Town Meeting  on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Truro Central School. The Town Warrant opened at 8AM October 1, 2018 and will remain open for submission...

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10 2018

Hot Off The Presses! TPRTA Survey – Please Complete By Sept. 17, 2018

The TPRTA survey of part-time resident taxpayers' views on taxes, articles for Fall Special ATM, and more asks for your input on current, important issues so that we know, convey and act on the full spectrum of part-time resident taxpayer’s...

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04 2018

Dates Changed for Tax Classification Hearing & Special Fall ATM

The Selectboard announced two big changes in the Town's Fall schedule -The annual Tax Classification Hearing for FY 2019 has been moved  to Sept. 25, 2018 at 5 PM Town Hall. -The Special Fall ATM originally scheduled for Sep 26, 2018...

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30 2018

Will the Selectboard Reconsider the RTE at Tax Classification Hearing for FY 2019?

UPDATE on 3 Sep 2018 DATE CHANGE:  Tax Classification Hearing for FY 2019 at 5:00 p.m. on Sept. 25, 2018 at the Town Hall. The Truro Select Board has scheduled its annual Tax Classification Hearing for FY 2019 at 5:00 p.m. on Sept....

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25 2018

Planning Board Recommends Town-Wide House Size Cap Article for Fall Special ATM | Cannabis Articles Delayed

After a lengthy process and nearly year-long ongoing citizen-led education campaign on the benefits of a generous house size cap town-wide, the Planning Board concluded its August 22 public hearing with a version of the article it recommends for inclusion...

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27 2018

Truro Inaugurates Part-Time Resident Advisory Committee

In its first-ever official nod to the part-time resident community and the importance it plays in Truro, the Selectboard selected seven part-time residents over the winter 2018 from about 10 who volunteered to serve on this Committee.The first meeting is...

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25 2018

Keeping Truro Sustainable – An Exciting New Discussion Series

Summer in Truro is about to get a lively boost as four Truro arts, culture and historical organizations join together in a new endeavor, Truro Connections, to stimulate a community conversation and exchange of ideas about life in Truro and the...

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24 2018

TPRTA Annual Meeting 2018 – July 7 | HOLD THE DATE

HOLD The DATE and be part of for our annual members' meeting.  We have important updates to share, new items to discuss and an an action plan for 2018 to get your input on. ANNUAL MEMBERS' MEETING JULY 7, 2018...

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21 2018

Town-Wide House Size Cap Favorably Viewed by Majority, Gains Momentum

A recent survey of Truro full and part-time residents shows strong support (82%) for a Town-wide house size cap modeled on the similar cap passed for the Seashore District last year.  Combined with a thorough process of public discussion and...

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10 2018

Truro’s New Police Chief – Update and Welcome

Following the retirement of Chief Kyle Takajian on June 30, 2017, the Selectboard has completed a search and has chosen Jamie Calise, a 20-year veteran of the Warwick, RI Police Dept. to serve as our new Police Chief.  Lt.  Craig...

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24 2017

Pre-Paying FY 2018 Taxes in 2017

The recently-adopted GOP tax bill has immediate implications for part-time resident taxpayers.   Truro taxpayers have a unique opportunity to save on taxes in 2018 by pre-paying their FY 2018 Truro property tax payment in full by December 31, 2018....

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10 2017

Two Forums on Town Wide House Size Cap Scheduled

The Planning Board (with help from OneTruro) will host two public forums on the proposed generous town-wide house size cap, following the same general parameters as the cap adopted in the Seashore district last year.  If you cannot make it,...

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10 2017

Town-Wide House Size Cap Survey due Jan 15

The Truro Planning Board has taken on an open process of crafting an article to put a generous cap on house size in the Town district. The basic parameters will follow those recently adopted in the Seashore  last year. The...

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01 2017

Registering to Vote in Truro

Many folks have asked about registering to vote in Truro in order to have their individual voices count at the ballot box in Truro and at Truro's annual All Town Meeting.  For those who are eligible to vote in MA...

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30 2017

Truro Selectmen Consider Year-Round Condo Use

On November 28, Truro Selectmen discussed draft proposed terms of an article on year round condo use prepared by Town staff. In a nearly 40 minute presentation and discussion,  many complex issues at every level were covered – from parking...

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30 2017

TPRTA, Citizens Promote Transparency in Truro

In August, the Truro Board of Assessors and the Truro Board of Selectmen took steps to recommend and vote for a Residential Tax Exemption (RTE) adopted on August 22.  The RTE was overwhelmingly opposed by  part-time resident taxpayers, who presently...

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08 2017

A View from Wellfleet- Truro RTE Tax Shift is a Slippery Slope

As a nonresident taxpayer in Wellfleet, Charles Rutz wrote in today's Cape Cod Times that he has "followed the idea of a dual tax system very closely in many towns. It is very flawed. I was very disturbed to read...

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27 2017

Cape Cod Times Editorial Opposes Truro’s Taxation Without Representation

Following the Truro Selectmen's 4-1 vote to adopt the Residential Tax Exemption (RTE), the Cape Cod Times issued an editorial on August 26, 2017 supporting TPRTA's position opposing the RTE and rejecting the Selectemen's reasoning. Their own reasoning is eloquently...

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23 2017

Town Adopts Residential Tax Exemption Despite Part-Timers Overwhelming Opposition

The Truro Board of Selectmen voted to adopt the RTE 4-1, despite hundreds and hundreds of personal comments,  emails and personal communications in opposition from part-time residents  and limited support from full-time residents.  For those Selectmen who voted to adopt,...

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13 2017

TPRTA Warns Against Adoption of the RTE – Cape Cod Times

The Cape Cod Times reported today on TPRTA's efforts to persuade Truro officials not to adopt a a Residential Tax Exemption that would reduce qualified full-time residents taxes while shifting the total savings onto part-time residents.  TPRTA advocates for the...

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25 2017

TPRTA Affirms Message of One Community | Opposes Residential Tax Exemption | Offers Constructive Alternatives

TPRTA members voted overwhelmingly to oppose the proposed residential tax exemption, receiving views that reflect part-time residents desire to ensure tax hardship does not occur in Truro for any property owner and  to propose constructive alternatives.  They also voted to...

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12 2017

Majority of Part-time Residents Oppose Town’s Residential Tax Exemption

At the TPRTA Annual Meeting on July 1, 150 + participants heard a full presentation of the Town's proposal to implement a state-based  Residential Tax Exemption  (RTE).  This RTE would reduce the assessed value of all qualifying full-time properties by...

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30 2017

TPRTA Annual Meeting – JULY 1, 2017 10 AM – Hold the Date

HOLD The DATE and be part of for our annual members' meeting.  We have important items to discuss and interesting guest speakers, including Truro native son and new State Senator, Julian Cyr. ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING JULY 1, 2017 -  10...

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15 2017

Truro Re-Opens Discussion of Tax Shift to Part-Time Residents

Last year the BoS floated the idea of a residential tax exemption for all year-round homeowners that would entirely be shifted onto part-time residents.  Provincetown along with three other towns on the Cape and Islands have adopted this provision based...

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26 2017

Truro Adopts House Size Restrictions in Seashore District

In a major victory for those who wish to preserve the Seashore as both a wonder of nature and a major economic engine of the Town, Truro voters overwhelmingly supported putting generous but firm limits on house sizes within the...

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17 2017

No More Stickers Needed at Transfer Station – Starts May 1

No more Dump Stickers -  some will miss the fun and creative side of these stickers, for sure, but the new system will be easier and more convenient to obtain and use.  After May 1, it  will no longer be...

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15 2017

APCC Launches Rain Barrel Program

Since Truro is mostly on well-water, many folks are interested in capturing rain water for irrigation and other uses. The Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod (APCC)  has launched a rain barrel program, offering 55-gallon rain barrels to the public...

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08 2017

CCNS Expands Kitesurfing Areas

THE CCNS has recently designated a second location where kitesurfing will be permitted in the Seashore.  Duck Harbor, a bay side location in Wellfleet, has been used for several years.  Now, the CCNS agreed this week to also allow the...

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03 2017

Truro Beach Cleanup – Join in on March 25

Truro has scheduled the important spring clean-up of Truro Beaches for March 25.  Volunteers are needed to help get the beaches ready for summer fun.  If you are in Town on March 25, please consider joining in.  Show up at...

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09 2017

PB House Size Cap Amendment Moves Forward – Update

Truro's Planning Board held an informational meeting on January 25 at the Truro Library on the draft zoning bylaw amendment to introduce a house size cap in Truro's Seashore District.   A healthy turnout of 60 people, including half a...

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06 2017

Truro Police Dept Vision – Focus Groups 2/15 and 16 – All Invited

The Truro Board of Selectmen have extended an open invitation to participate in several focus groups as it develops a vision statement for the Truro Police Department to help guide its future. Building upon the dedication, commitment and excellent services...

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26 2017

CCC Plan for Outer Cape Bike Trail

After extensive review, discussion and feedback in all Outer Cape towns, the Cape Cod Commission has issued its recommendation on the course of the proposed Bike Trail through the Outer Cape towns. Thanks to those of you who have given...

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20 2017

Kline Settlement Monies – Comments Requested

The Kline settlement affords a significant windfall in the short run and a sustained infusion of funds over the next 10 years. How should Truro use these funds? The TPRTA Board is considering proposing six different uses for these monies...

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18 2017

TNRTA Name Changes to Reflect Community

At our 2016 Annual Meeting, members unanimously voted to change the  public name (“d/b/a”)  of our organization, though it’s incorporation name will remain unchanged.  This decision was made to reflect a few things important to the more than 90 attendees.   The term “non-residents”...

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16 2017

Invitation to Participate on Town Committees

The Town of Truro has just updated its call for  all residents of Truro, both full and part-time, to get involved by joining Town Committees.  Over the years, many part-time residents have made significant contributions of time, vision, and leadership...

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18 2016

Update on Room Occupancy Tax  (Lodging Tax)

We have informed you in the past of efforts by Truro to improve Town revenues by seeking legislative  approval to collect a tax, variously described as a “room occupancy tax”  or a “lodging tax.” which already applies to hotels and...

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18 2016

Truro Forum on Protecting the Seashore District

At our Annual Meeting on July 2, members of the Planning Board sought members’ views on a proposed article to limit house size within the CCNS in Truro. Members overwhelmingly supported the idea.   At that time the Selectman in...

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21 2016

Revised Policy: Private Roads/Public Maintenance in Winter

Truro has amended its Policy Memorandum #17  to reflect a modified policy on emergency snow plowing of private roads in winter. Going forward,  if a true winter emergency exists, the Town will plow private roads on an as-needed basis to...

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20 2016

Upcoming Zoning Issues for 2016-17

In the coming fiscal year, at least two issues related to zoning will be under consideration by the Planning Board:  an updated and workable new definition of “street” and “street adequacy” that will preserve rural character, protect property owners’ rights,...

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20 2016

TNRTA 2016 Annual Meeting – July 2, 2016 – Truro Public Library – 10 AM

Our annual members’ meeting is always held on the first Saturday in July – this year, July 2, 2016.  Please come for an informative meeting to hear and discuss with Planning Board Members some key zoning issues facing us,  to...

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10 2016

Truro Changes Fees at Transfer Station – Effective June 8, 2016

At a Board of Health meeting on June 7, 2016, the Board voted 4-0-1 to increase sticker fees for residential, commercial and visitor use of the Transfer Station.  These changes were effective immediately  (that is, on June 8, 2016). Residential...

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09 2015

TPRTA Comments on Housing Needs Assessment Report 2015

In August 2015, the Truro Housing Authority issued a Housing Needs Assessement report  and presented it at the Truro Affordable Housing Summit on October  24, 2015. It is found on the Town website currently.  After making oral comments at the...

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06 2015

Important Town Discussion- Private Roads/Public Maintenance in Winter

In the gorgeous August weather in Truro, it is hard to remember the 3 feet+ of snow on the ground this past winter. But many hard lessons were learned by the Town and by property owners on private roads about proper...

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06 2015

TPRTA Members’ Forum Thursday, August 20, 2015 – 5pm

TPRTA Members’ Forum Thursday, August 20, 2015 5:00 P.M. at the Truro Library Join Rae Ann Palmer, Town Administrator to discuss Private Roads/Public Maintenance in Winter Weather Emergencies Non-residents (and snow birds) living on private roads face special challenges during...

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27 2015

TPRTA Annual Members’ Meeting – July 4, 10 AM, First Congregational Meetinghouse

Our annual members’ meeting is always held on the first Saturday in July – this year, the Fourth of July. Come and join us for an informative meeting to hear and discuss the BoS’s and our perspectives on the State...

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27 2015

TNRTA Forum and Research

This year, a question arose over the winter about year-round condo use.  Several voters had quickly drafted a proposed article, and the tight schedule allowed just a few weeks for public review. TNRTA was joined by many agencies and individuals...

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27 2015

TNRTA Annual Members’ Meeting – July 4, 10 AM, First Congregational Meetinghouse

Our annual members' meeting is always held on the first Saturday in July - this year, July 4th.  Come and join us for an informative meeting to hear and discuss the BoS’s and our perspectives on the State of the...

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27 2015

Truro in FY 2016 – Join the Town Discussion on June 30

Truro yesterday asked TNRTA to pass on the date and time of an important discussion on town goals and priorities so that we can join in having input.  The BoS will hold a town-wide meeting on  Town of Truro FY16...

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25 2015

Outer Cape Bike Paths Proposed for Public Comment by May 1

The Truro Bike and Walkways Committee has been hard at work this year to engage in the regional discussion with the CCNS, the Cape Cod Commission and similar committees from other Outer Cape towns to develop a proposed master plan for...

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28 2015

Blizzard 2015 Causes Ballston Beach Breach, little other damage in Truro

The blizzard of 2015, just winding down at the time of this post, has left Truro with much snow, high drifts, but little permanent damage EXCEPT to the Ballston Beach area. The Pamet River barrier dune was again swept away...

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28 2015

Blizzard 2015 Causes Ballston Beach Breach, little other damage in Truro

The blizzard of 2015, just winding down at the time of this post, has left Truro with much snow, high drifts, but little permanent damage  EXCEPT to the Ballston Beach area. The Pamet River barrier dune was again swept away...

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22 2014

Truro Fire/Rescue Dept. Searching for New Fire Chief

Anticipating the retirement of current Fire Chief Brian Davis in September 2015, and in light of significant transitions in the department, the Truro BoS voted Tuesday to hire a firm to help it find a new Chief. Based upon previous...

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22 2014

Truro Fire/Rescue Dept. Searching for New Fire Chief

Anticipating the retirement of current Fire Chief Brian Davis in September 2015, and in light of significant transitions in the department, the Truro BoS voted Tuesday to hire a firm to help it find a new Chief.   Based upon...

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10 2014

NPS Begins Series of Public Hearings in Truro on Bike & Walkways Master Plan for Outer Cape

NPS just announced a series of three public hearings on an Outer Cape Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan. The first hearing is to be held in Truro on Oct 30 at the Truro Community Center from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. The...

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10 2014

NPS Begins Series of Public Hearings in Truro on Bike & Walkways Master Plan for Outer Cape

NPS just announced a series of three public hearings on an Outer Cape Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan.  The first hearing is to be held in Truro on Oct 30 at the Truro Community Center from 3:30 to 5:30 PM.  The...

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27 2014

Truro Seeks Views on Search for Town Administrator

Truro has begun the search for the new Town Administrator and recently sought taxpayers input into the search process and the qualifications needed for the new TA. A link to this confidential TOWN survey is http://www.truro-ma.gov/home/news/town-administrator-survey-sponsored-by-the-town-administrator-search-committee. Please feel free to...

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27 2014

Discussion of Pilgrim Nuclear Facility

The Wellfleet Non-Resident Taxpayers’ Association and the DownCape DownWinders is hosting a meeting and discussion for the members of the NRTAs of the four Outer Cape towns on the question: Is the Pilgrim Nuclear Facility the Next Fukushima? The meeting...

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23 2014

Discussion of Pilgrim Nuclear Facility

The Wellfleet Non-Resident Taxpayers¹ Association and the DownCape DownWinders is hosting a meeting and discussion for the members of the NRTAs of the four Outer Cape towns  on the question:  Is the Pilgrim Nuclear Facility the Next Fukushima?  The meeting...

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23 2014

Truro Seeks Views on Search for Town Administrator

Truro has begun the search for the new Town Administrator and recently sought taxpayers input into the search process and the qualifications needed for the new TA.  A link to this confidential TOWN survey is http://www.truro-ma.gov/home/news/town-administrator-survey-sponsored-by-the-town-administrator-search-committee.   Please feel free to offer...

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28 2013

NEW FEMA FLOOD MAPS –  “Change of Designation” Deadline ends October 17, 2013

FEMA FLOOD MAPS were re-issued in May, as we previously informed TNRTA Members. (See "May 21: item, below). The comment and appeal period for these preliminary flood zone maps ends OCTOBER 17, 2013.  Anyone living near  tidal waters – on the bayside, oceanside, Pamet,...

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23 2013

Truro  & CCNS Host Forum on Future of Ballston/Pamet Valley

Two severe winter storms this year altered the Ballston Beach dunescape and are changing the  Pamet Valley ecosystems a result of the dune breach at the Pamet River headwaters.  The future of this fragile, popular beach area is an important topic...

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09 2013

Open Forum:  Climate Change and Truro’s Waters –  JULY 18  7PM  Truro COA

Dr. Graham Geise,  Director of Coastal Geology, Center for Coastal Studies,  will discuss the impact of climate change on Truro's waterways, including the breach of the Pamet River at Ballston Beach,  erosion control efforts on the bay , the future of East Harbor/Pilgrim Lake, Truro's  ever...

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21 2013

Truro’s Ag Survey

Truro's Ag Commission (yes, we have one!)  is asking all TNRTA members - including those who are summer "farmers"  and gardeners - to participate in the attached survey.  Our responses will help the Commission get a full picture of the...

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21 2013

Fair Plan Rate Hike – 9.9% Increase Slated for Cape – Public Meeting May 29

The  FAIR PLAN has submitted a request for a rate hike, including a 9.9% increase for the Cape and Islands, slated to go into effect July 1st.   A Public Hearing on this rate request is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29,2013,...

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21 2013

New FEMA Flood Zone Maps for Truro

FEMA  recently released updated Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Updated Preliminary Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Report for Barnstable County, Massachusetts have been released by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  Below is the link to the preliminary maps.  ...

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06 2013

Outer Cape Bike Survey –  Cape Cod Commission

Last summer the CCC conducted a survey of bicycle and pedestrian path and use on the Outer Cape, and TNRTA members responded in large numbers. Click here for full results of the 2013 report.  Responses showed a keen interest in...

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05 2013

Cape Environmental Summit Statement

A group of 32 environmental organizations ratified a consensus statement concerning water management on the Cape and Islands  (click here to see the statement).  TNRTA supports this statement and encourages all residents of Truro to consider their own ways of...

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05 2013

Special Concert/June 15, 2013  for Outer Cape Health/Wellfleet Facility

Many folks in Truro rely on Outer cape Health's facility in Wellfleet for the medical care while in Truro.   For fans of Outer cape health and the great cellist Bernard Greenhouse, a remarkable concert is planned for June 15...

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05 2013

Summer Beach/Rec Jobs in Truro

The Town is accepting applications for seasonal positions in the Recreation & Beach Department for the following positions: Beach Attendant/ Clerk; Beach Oceanfront Lifeguard (Lifeguard Certification Required)  and Recreation Summer Children’s Program Counselor.   Applications and job descriptions are available at Town Hall, 24...

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01 2012

Truro Fares Well During, After Superstorm Sandy

Truro largely got a pass during Superstorm Sandy.  Strong but sub-hurricane winds and minimal rain caused little damage.  Truro PD reported no significant damage to infrastructure or property, and no serious injuries were reported within Truro.  As a cautionary measure,...

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01 2012

Land Court Upholds ZBA Decision on Truro Adventures’ Commercial Activity

The MA Land Court upheld the Truro ZBA ruling that Truro Adventures' operations were impermissible for residential property.  To quote directly from Judge Piper's decision:   "This decision, which does not prohibit Plaintiffs from renting their property, as is customary in Truro, but which...

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17 2011

MA Supreme Judicial Court Rejects Kline Appeal; Truro ZBA Must Overturn Building Permit

The SJC  (the highest court in MA) ruled against Truro in the Kline matter, effectively upholding prior Land Court and Appeals Court rulings that Truro Building Inspector had improperly permitted the building of the Kline House, and ordering the ZBA...

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16 2011

Voters Split Evenly on House Size Regulation; Proposed Article Fails

At a Special All Town meeting held in Truro on November 14th, voters rejected an article put forth by the Planning Board to regulate house size.  Splitting 75-74, the Town voters showed their continuing interest in house size regulation and...

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16 2011

BoS Unanimously  Accepts Police Chief Resignation; appoints Acting Chief to Full Position

 This evening, the Truro BoS voted 4-0  to accept John Lundborn's resignation from the position of Police Chief,  effective immediately,  and to appoint Kyle Takakjian as Police Chief, pending successful conclusion of contract negotiations.  Mr. Lundborn will receive all that...

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16 2011

Truro Police Chief Arrested for DUI

On Friday, October 14, newly appointed  Police Chief John Lundborn was placed under arrest by a Truro police officer for operating a vehicle while intoxicated.   While driving a Truro police cruiser off duty,  he was involved in a one-car crash...

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15 2011

Cape Cod Representatives Call for Insurance Reform

Cape Cod homeowners have been subject to unreasonably high and unwarranted homeowners insurance costs based upon hurricane modeling for the southern coastal regions of the US.  Finally, as a result of hard work of Paula Aschettino and other citizens, and...

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30 2011


                                  TNRTA Members  are invited to hear and chat as experts discuss the science, the options, and the regulations affecting our choices:                                   August 16  7:30 PM                                   More info to follow -  watch this space!

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30 2011

REMINDER: Annual Membership Meeting

                                Sat, July 2  at 10 AM                                 Truro Community Center                                 See You There!

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30 2011

Settlement Likely in Kline Land Dispute

 The parties involved in the dispute over the Kline property on Stephens Way are well on their way to concluding a settlement, according to local reporters and the State Appeals Court docket.  The lawsuit alleges that the Kline property received...

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11 2011

Friends of the CCNS

This year the Seashore celebrates its big five -0.  An important contributor to this great celebration is the Friends of the CCNS  (FCCNS),  who provide much of the fun and program support for CCNS through volunteers and financial contributions, not...

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08 2011


Chief Lundborn has asked us to pass on a few requests and some information of interest.  First, house numbering remains an ongoing request.  Please make sure you have house numbers visible and up at your houses.  This aids emergency response...

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08 2011

FEMA Update

FEMA rescinded the Letter of Final Determination for Barnstable County for the maps that were scheduled to become effective June 16, 2011 due to technical problems with their maps that must be corrected. FEMA expects to reissue in December 2011, with...

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26 2011

Climate changes chomp away at Cape, reports Cape Cod Times

A recent analysis by Mark Adams, maps expert for the CCNS, suggest erosion will continue at a fast pace on the Outer Cape -  faster south of Wellfleet -  but even in Truro we should expect more in the coming...

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